Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Writing Style Aesthetics: Artifice vs. Verisimilitude

 For those who only want to see updates, here's a quick rundown of what I've been working on: editing for the Chapter 1 true route, first drafts for the final two alt routes, BGM/sound design edits, art drafts and design finalization. I'll try my best to make a Christmas Miracle happen and have something significant to show off or announce within the next few days. Feel free to ignore the rest of this post.

Something that's been tormenting me since I started writing Chapter 1 one is the quality of said writing---not in terms of my skill (or at least I hope not) but rather in how I'm limiting myself to a certain style. Chapter 1's protagonist is canonically not very good with the language arts and has a stilted, awkward way of communicating, so I'm not sure it would be "in character" to write anything particularly poetic or beautiful from her point of view. Of course, good prosaic styles exist (Hemingway and whatnot), but I'm not talking those forms of prose when I say this character is bad at communicating. If you were to read an essay she produced for a school project or something like that, you'd quickly clock it as a result of the nationwide budget cuts to education. If you've ever come across American teachers complaining about No Child Left Behind in response to their students' papers, then you should have a decent idea of what her work is like.

That's all well and good, and I think it's fine to cast shitty writers as protagonists, but what would this entail for her in-game narration? 

This is the opening chapter of the game. This is going to be everyone's first experience with the game, and it's inevitably going to color their expectations for the rest of it. What does it say about BFD and its writer if the writing blows major dick and is awful to read in the very first chapter?

I've been holding back when working on the Chapter 1 drafts in the name of "verisimilitude", or for maintaining a semblance of realism in the narration. Limiting my normal writing style to this extent has been quite eye-opening in terms of both my own skill and my conception of what "good writing" looks like, but at the same time, it's also been painful. Granted, I haven't written seriously in a long time, which dulls the pain a little. But still, it feels like I'm half-assing a very important part of the very first chapter of my very first game. I'm often left wondering if I should slacken this commitment to realism in favor of literary artifice; this includes things like more poetic descriptions and following standard English grammar rules, stuff that the Chapter 1 protagonist would almost never use if she was actually in charge of writing from her own perspective.

Of course, this isn't a unique phenomenon. The issue of accurately translating thoughts and conceptions into something tangible has plagued artists since the dawn of time. It's like nothing ever comes out as good as you imagine it, and you'll never be satisfied with your work no matter how much time you spend polishing it. In the words of the legendary Leonardohen Skynyrd DiCaprio, "Art is never finished, only abandoned."

These issues in BFD's writing come in couple different forms. I don't feel like going into all of them, but I'll highlight an example that should make my point clearer.

In writing circles, there are occasional debates about how much character dialogues should take from conversations in real life. Real speech is inundated with meaningless filler, which some argue should be eschewed in literary speech; this refers to things like "uh", "um", "like", or basically anything used to pad out statements when one is trying to put their thoughts into words. If you make a character say something like "Uh I um went to the store and uh I bought some uh milk and uh...", they'll come off as nervous, confused, or zonked. Even if real people talk like that regardless of personality or mood, they'll be interpreted in a specific light by readers because these types of filler words have been encoded as temperament signifiers in the sphere of language arts. They also tend to make sentences really annoying to read. However, if used in the right contexts, filler words can make dialogue sound more natural while also being easy on the eyes. The "right contexts" in question come about through the actual behaviors and feelings of the characters, and in certain mediums, they can come through the technical requirements and/or properties of a given medium. For visual novels with voice acting, filler words are often included liberally since the script being read by the audience is the same script used by the voice actors. Their inclusion can make the game's narration easier to follow since minimizing the differences between the written and spoken words can make the reading experience smoother (this is also likely why moans, screams, and various onomatopoeias are spelled out in H-scene dialogues).

In BFD, you'll see characters spouting filler words a lot. I chose to model the dialogue after the standard in other visual novels, which involves liberal filler word usage as described above. BFD doesn't have voice acting, but most other visual novels without voice acting use this same style. Maybe this is just my personal preference, but I feel that this style works well in the visual novel format; the on-screen depiction of characters' expressions supplements the filler in a way that wouldn't work in a purely textual medium. Plus, it allows me to convey emotions and moods in a more subtle way, expanding the potential circumstances in which many sprite and CG assets are used.

Again, this is not the only issue I've been dealing with in Chapter 1, and it is not representative of the issues with Chapter 1's writing as a whole. If anything, I made this post to organize some of my thoughts on imitating nature and art and which one I should prioritize in certain situations.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Excuse me


It's been almost three months since I last posted an update, what the fuck is going on⁉️

Dear readers, I've been wondering that myself. What the fuck IS going on? Why is my time management so ass??

So basically, I'm a fifth year college student (failed a required class only offered once a year because I'm stupid and gay), and I'm also a double major taking my two major-specific senior thesis classes. On top of that, since I'm stupid and gay, I have to spend a lot of time working on assignments/studying to keep up with the non-thesis work. Of course, this is not a strong enough excuse to halt game development entirely, so I haven't been on hiatus or anything like that; I'm just stuck working at a very slow pace right now because of school.

 For the record, I'm still aiming for the chapter 1 release to be on January 16 for Appreciate a Dragon Day (or on January 29 for the Chinese New Year of the Snake if I need a little extra time). However, I want to make it clear that this slowing down of development might make those deadlines a little difficult, and I figured I'd post this now as a warning. I didn't think it was worthwhile to post this at all at first since I wanted to focus on actual progress (plus these kinds of announcements tend to make devs look flaky and unreliable), but I came around to the idea that this would be a good record of acknowledgement---acknowledgement of my personal life getting in the way of timely development before the deadlines close in. 

I hope you all understand, but you are free to call me a dumb lazy bitch anyway since I'm only in this situation due to being bad at school lol

Sunday, August 4, 2024

More Art


Just wanted to share some more practice art I made since I got the style nailed down. Above is a portion of chapter 1's protagonist.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Clarification on "WHAT I HAVE DONE??????"

 Just wanted to clarify that I know the art I displayed in the last post is flawed in a few respects. I know the eyes are uneven and not round enough, I know the face is a weirdly proportioned, I know the detail in the hair strands looks somewhat odd given the detail of the rest of the head, and I know the pitch black outlines are a little jarring. I want to emphasize my previous words---you can expect the art to look like something "VERY SIMILAR" to this in the demo. I plan to polish this style for the final product. Rest assured, this piece was made for PRACTICE and PRACTICE ONLY. I'll have higher standards in place for the final sprites.

Oh, maybe I should bring this up now, but this style is specifically meant for the sprites; CGs will look similar, obviously (not going to change the whole ass style I set up and have been developing/deciding on for years now...okay there may be some variation in some of the CGs but these will be done on a CASE-BY-CASE, INFREQUENT basis), but more consideration will be given to the background environments and how light/shadows/colors should be affected in said environments. I ought to post some WIP CGs in the future to make this clearer.

Friday, August 2, 2024



Above is my most recent practice piece. I feel very satisfied with the end result; a lot of the things I was aiming for were hit, and a lot of the things I disliked were fixed. With this, I can confidently say that you can expect an art style very similar to this in chapter 1's demo release.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Art is getting...better?


I think I'm finally starting to narrow down the specific issues I've been having with my art, and I'm finally starting to produce practice pieces that don't make me feel horribly disgusted. I know what I want to try next, and hopefully it'll result in something that looks like it could be in the demo.

Friday, July 19, 2024

On Chapter 1's Route Structure


Above is a snippet of a chart I made detailing the choices and endings in BFD. As you can see, chapter 1 has 4 endings total, with the single true end (Sea Lulling) unlocking chapter 2.

I'm currently working on the draft for Kemp Owyne since it's so close to the true end, meaning it will take the shortest amount of time to write out of all the alternate endings.

I will post the full version of this image sometime in the future (probably after chapter 1 is released) to give people an idea of how the rest of the game is structured.

I realize there's some aspects of this picture that would be confusing to anyone reading this post at this time, sparking questions such as "wtf is a Alaire", so sometime before chapter 1's release I'll post a downloadable game manual that will fill you all in.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chapter 1's True Route Draft Complete


Pics are of CG concepts/references. I drew them with a mouse, which is why they look like shit.

Anywho, I'm pleased to announce that the draft of chapter 1's true route has finally been completed, as the more precocious among us have probably figured out from the title. I originally wanted this done by the end of June, but I ended up putting off some of the scenes because I wasn't sure if I was happy with how I envisioned them (aka procrastination, bumfuck laziness).

I use the term "draft" because I want the script to be eternally open for editing. The ways certain things are phrased and even their portrayal will remain up for potential changing as development goes on (even when I deem chapter 1 fully completed). This is so that any shitty writing that I fail to take notice of until I'm a bit older and wiser can be fixed so I don't hate myself for publishing it.

Basically, the draft is representative of the final script of chapter 1's true route at this point in time, but I will still go over it to make edits from time to time. However, right now my next focus is to get the alternate routes' drafts done; editing will be taking a backseat for a bit.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Progress Train is making its rounds


The draft of chapter 1's true route is almost finished. ~61K words in, just need to get through some specific scenes I held off to write at the end.

Pic above is (somewhat) old concept art, enjoy.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Should updates be more frequent or am I paranoid

 Ch. 1's true route first draft is currently a little over 54K words. At least I got past the NaNoWriMo threshold at this point

(NOTE: this originally said 52K but I forgot to actually check the word count in Docs before posting)

Friday, May 17, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The State of the Sprite 2


I drew this like a year ago or something, but something about this has stuck with me. I think I finally figured out what: this is the style I should aim for.

Obviously it's not good drawing by any means, but I think its simplicity holds the key to a decent art style. The prominent lineart could be done away with in favor of something more subtle, and the shading needs more depth to it to look good. The anatomy is off, and maybe I could put more detail into the hair. But looking at this as a whole, it definitely has some benefits as a sprite art style over my more recent creations.

Compare with this produced several months later:

My main gripes with this are the eyes and sketchy outlines (though I'm not as against sketchy lineart as a whole), but otherwise I think there's some pointers I can take from it in terms of style.

Now check out this abomination I shat out an hour ago:

The rendering seems way too detailed for how simplified the actual anatomy is. Maybe with slightly better anatomy this kind of rendering could work in CGs, but as a sprite, this is kinda ass.

Chapter 1 Progress Update: ~38K words


I don't have an excuse for this pic I just wanted to have something to visually draw people into the post

Don't know why I never brought this up until now, but the true route draft of chapter 1 is over 50% complete; I'd estimate the actual percentage is around 70%.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Don't want to make this topic "dragon" but


Pic related because I live in a Dragon state. BFD is where it's at, and my mind is in the right place  :)

Hello guys today I am going to bitch about my plan for the game's release for a short while. This is a very minor thing that might not seem like it warrants a whole ass blog post to it, but it's my blog, and I make all the decisions, and it's related to development, which is the whole damn point of this blog.

 If for some godforsaken reason BFD gains a following, perhaps even a fandom after the chapter 1 demo is released, I fear this part of the story in isolation will prime them into expecting chapter 2 to be the same in terms of style, tone, themes etc. 

Unfortunately, protagonist 2 is a very different guy from protagonist 1, and his struggles and lifestyle are unique to him, so it makes little sense for the two perspectives to be consistent with one another in those previously mentioned ways. 

This may or may not piss people off. When chapter 2 comes out, there will be some tonal whiplash that could make it feel like an entirely separate game. People got invested in the perspective of chapter 1, and the switch could throw them off, maybe make them feel cheated and deceived as to what BFD really is.

Obviously I'm going to preface basically every post and update and whatever else with a statement of chapter 2's distinctive nature from chapter 1 and that CHAPTER 1 IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE WHOLE GAME, THERE'S A WHOLE 'NOTHER WORLD OUT THERE JUST WAITING TO BE EXPLORED. I may have to do this for chapters 3, 4, and 5 as well, but hopefully people will have gotten the point by then.

I suspect this would be less of an issue if I released every chapter at once like I originally planned given there's less of a time sink between chapters from not being actively developed, though people would still probably get at least a little mad.

For the record, this is not a post about how I'm changing the release schedule or that I'm even considering changing the release schedule. The demo containing chapter 1 will be first, and hopefully all will be well.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

[UPDATED] Cast List

This post has been updated to reflect the fact that this is, in fact, the current cast list. Ignore any castings posted earlier than this.




IRMIE: Eleanor Forte AI

CARLA: Stardust/Xingchen Infinity AI

TIRZA: Tsurumaki Maki AI (English)


NOEL: An Xiao AI

PAULA: Natalie AI

LANA: Feng Yi AI



DERIKA: Tsuina-chan AI


ROSURA:Kasane Teto AI


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

A hairy situation

 One of the fun aspects of art direction is working on all the minute visual details that most people probably won't even notice or care about, especially in character design. Granted, this particular case isn't that unnoticeable, but does seem pretty inconsequential when you look at it from an outside perspective. 

As you might have gleaned from the title, I'm talking about hair. Not head hair, mind you---that's a very obvious area for design specification. That leaves the other kind of hair, the hair few wish to talk about: body hair.

Should I give the characters pubes in scenes with their exposed genitals? Should I give male characters armpit and leg hair (maybe chest and forearm hair for certain characters)? Would any of this contrast with the art style or erotic appeal of the game (anime/manga-styled eroge tend to not include body hair on their characters, even the male ones)? 

Right now I'm leaning toward including it, but of course this depends on how the final art style turns out (I'm kind of rushing style development at this point because I'm trying to shorten development time...at least for the demo).

Friday, April 5, 2024

The State of the Sprite


Pictured above is a work-in-progress practice sprite. Still not good, but definitely getting better.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Not enough text

 Recently I plopped what I had so far for chapter 1's script into RenPy and played through it. It was about 16,000 words total, and it covered approximately 40% of the true route. I was able to clear it in 30 minutes, and my estimates showed others might complete it at an average of 46 minutes. At these rates, the true route would be around 75-115 minutes (1 hour 15 mins-1 hour 55 mins) to complete. The way I see it, the pacing is currently too damn fast

Of course, I'll be revising as I go along, which includes expanding scenes with more dialogue and description, but so far I'm pretty disappointed with how much I'm underwriting. I imagine waiting ~6 years and getting a 2 hour demo (assuming the higher end of playtimes) that supposedly contains all of the first chapter isn't very promising either.

Some may argue that shorter, more concise games are better, but I feel I'd be really holding back players from "getting into" BFD (especially with its unusual worldbuilding) with a short playtime. Each chapter is meant to cover 25 days in-universe, so at the current pace you'd get a 2 hour true route with roughly 12.5 minute days. Again, considering the intended nature of the game, this seems too damn fast. Hence, I will spend extra time lengthening the script as I fluff it up.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Lunar New Year Sneak Peak

 The Year of the Dragon has already kicked off, so I figured I'd post some concept sketches as a celebration of sorts. Have fun speculating on who these characters are (and what their color palettes are too I guess).

Monday, January 22, 2024

Dragon deez nuts across your---

 January 16 is Appreciate a Dragon Day, and 2024 is the year of the dragon in Chinese astrology. As I mentioned in a previous post, I originally wanted BFD to be done by Jan. 16, 2024. Obviously this did not happen.

The game still isn't close to being done. It doesn't help that IRL stuff is once again getting in the way of development for me. I want to make clear, however, that the only thing that will completely cancel BFD's development is my death, and I assure you that unless something horrible happens, I won't be kicking the bucket anytime soon.

But still, it would've been nice to have SOMETHING done by last week. Then it occurred to me: next year is the year of the snake (close enough to a dragon), and Appreciate a Dragon Day is on Jan. 16 every year. What if I got something substantial done by then?

Here's my goal: instead of releasing the entire game at once, I will try to have at least the entirety of chapter 1 done by Jan. 16, 2025. If I can't complete all of it, then I will have a demo out by then. This would at least give the 2 people who read this blog SOMETHING to enjoy after years of nothing, and it would put less strain on me for having to finish the entire game before release.

Of course, there are still some major obstacles for this. I'm still a shitty artist, so I can't guarantee the art in chapter 1/the demo will be representative of the full game's quality. It will likely be changed once the other chapters get released. But hey, better something than nothing, right? At least then I could start advertising the game on Lemmasoft and whatnot.

Expect future blog posts to focus on chapter 1-related stuff.