Friday, March 22, 2019

Drawing on Shit that Does Not Work

Hai hai, TEOL Dev here with an update post. Progress has been pretty slow, but it's still being made. Most of it comes down to real life conflicts, but with summer coming up in a few months, a lot more is expected to be done. For now, here's a list of what's been worked on:
  • The summary of chapter 2, which is about 25% completed
  • First UTAU recordings done, editing and voice casting not complete
  • The first draft of the opening of chapter 1 has been started
  • Probably the biggest achievement, as well as the subject of today's post: all of the sprite poses are completed and are ready for being transformed into digitally-stored sprite bases
I'm not that comfortable with digital art yet, so I designed the poses in my sketchbook in terms of what the base would look like.
I don't have a scanner, so I took a picture of the sketch with my phone and uploaded it to my computer. From there, I start the process of making a rough outline in an art program (usually Fire Alpaca). This is where the trouble comes in.

My drawing tablet, which has worked in the past (although I admit to not using it much), just stops working for absolutely no fucking reason whatsoever. I think the issue has something to do with the USB cable, but since the problem hasn't been solved (it might never be), I'm stuck with using my mouse and my touchpad. Basically, my rough outlines look shittier than normal. I'm definitely not going to be working on the actual sprites until this gets resolved. I guess I'll just be working on other stuff.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Breakfast for Dragons Introductory Post

  DEV NOTE: This summary is fucking garbage and no longer representative of the project. I don't know when the next one will be done.

Imagine a strange new feeling bubbling up inside you. It's incomprehensible and somewhat feral, but you try your best to ignore it. It gets stronger. It bleeds into everything you do. Slowly, it seizes control over your entire body. Next thing you know, you're eating people.

A long time ago, when human civilizations were starting to take shape, a race of powerful and intelligent aliens known as dragons discovered Earth. They initially planned to use humans as food, but they realized the potential for something more useful. After a period of terrorism and bloodshed, they made a pact with mankind: in exchange for their planet and continued existence, humans would have "sacrifices" that were subjects in the dragons' reproductive process. Such a process involves a spore implanting itself into a host's body and taking control over it until it matured, when it would "hatch" the human into a new dragon. Humans were also expected to create an environment where these sacrifices could develop without disturbance, with dragon ambassadors coming down to Earth to keep a watchful eye over their new servants.

This system has existed for many years, and it still remains intact. Humans have learned to accept and even worship their alien overlords as they mold their societies into dragon nurseries. Filamena Pyke, a young woman from a seaside town called Laplace, despises this system. There is nothing that disgusts her more than dragons, leaving her feeling isolated from the rest of society. One day, her life takes a turn for the worst when she notices a pair of horns protruding from her head. As she's caught up in fear and denial, strange occurrences begin swallowing up the world around her...

BFD is a visual novel divided into 5 chapters. Each chapter features its own protagonist and storyline that reveals information about the overarching plot. These chapters include:

The Sea Lulling Chapter: This is the first chapter. The protagonist is Filamena Pyke. It tells the story of her transformation into a dragon, how she chooses to deal with her unfortunate situation, and introduces mysterious events that occur around her.

The Sky Dancing Chapter: This is the second chapter. The protagonist is Alaire Harte. This chapter focuses on past events and details Alaire's struggle within human society, as well as giving a new perspective on the mystery.

The Space Drifting Chapter: This is the third chapter. The protagonist is Irmie Harte. This story simultaneously explains and twists information from the previous chapters as it describes Irmie's attempts to summon a dragon spore within her.

The Rain Catching Chapter: This is the fourth chapter. The protagonist is Carla Neave. This chapter focuses on explaining many background events that occur in the previous chapters as the mystery comes closer to being closed.

The World Ending Chapter: This is the fifth and final chapter. The protagonist is Tirza Deverille. Told from the perspective of a dragon ambassador, readers are introduced to a unique take on the events of the previous chapters while also detailing the fate of the rest of the world.

The project is a bit expansive for a one man team, but I hope to create an OELVN that gives people faith in the medium and impacts them in a meaningful way. It's still a long ways away from being finished, but until then, I plan on pouring my heart and soul into making something truly special.