Saturday, April 13, 2019

All Red Poses Finished and an Endless Supply of Bullshit

Good news: all the red poses for the character sprites are finished! These sketches are essentially prototypes for the final bases of each sprite, which will be used as templates for all expressions and outfits. In spite of my tablet problems, I managed to get it to work! Bad news: my drawing skills are still terrible.

Even though I'm still in the early stages of development, I've had many thoughts of hiring an artist. Considering my current skills and workload from irl stuff, having someone else do some of the work will make the development process go by faster. Even so, I don't plan on bringing anyone else into the team. I suppose I should explain why I'm sticking to being a solo dev.

BFD is based around a lot of artistic and stylistic concepts that are difficult to describe accurately to others. I have everything in my head, but I can't get it out without oversimplifying it. Trying to get an artist to give me exactly what I'm looking for while being bad at explaining would cause a lot of frustration on both sides. Furthermore, BFD has a lot of uncomfortable content that few people might be willing to commit to. Considering these two factors, the chance of me finding an artist that is able an willing to meet the standards I set is incredibly low. Because of this, I'm better of working by myself. I guess I just need to learn how to draw :P

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