Friday, July 19, 2024

On Chapter 1's Route Structure


Above is a snippet of a chart I made detailing the choices and endings in BFD. As you can see, chapter 1 has 4 endings total, with the single true end (Sea Lulling) unlocking chapter 2.

I'm currently working on the draft for Kemp Owyne since it's so close to the true end, meaning it will take the shortest amount of time to write out of all the alternate endings.

I will post the full version of this image sometime in the future (probably after chapter 1 is released) to give people an idea of how the rest of the game is structured.

I realize there's some aspects of this picture that would be confusing to anyone reading this post at this time, sparking questions such as "wtf is a Alaire", so sometime before chapter 1's release I'll post a downloadable game manual that will fill you all in.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Chapter 1's True Route Draft Complete


Pics are of CG concepts/references. I drew them with a mouse, which is why they look like shit.

Anywho, I'm pleased to announce that the draft of chapter 1's true route has finally been completed, as the more precocious among us have probably figured out from the title. I originally wanted this done by the end of June, but I ended up putting off some of the scenes because I wasn't sure if I was happy with how I envisioned them (aka procrastination, bumfuck laziness).

I use the term "draft" because I want the script to be eternally open for editing. The ways certain things are phrased and even their portrayal will remain up for potential changing as development goes on (even when I deem chapter 1 fully completed). This is so that any shitty writing that I fail to take notice of until I'm a bit older and wiser can be fixed so I don't hate myself for publishing it.

Basically, the draft is representative of the final script of chapter 1's true route at this point in time, but I will still go over it to make edits from time to time. However, right now my next focus is to get the alternate routes' drafts done; editing will be taking a backseat for a bit.