Meet the Twilight Dragon.
Ignore the owl duck, that's not relevant. The Twilight Dragon watches over me and makes sure I'm still working on BFD. I always do what the Twilight Dragon wants me to do :)
Some updates:
44 BGM tracks are currently planned for the game, 5 are still being worked on.
Chapter 3's alt routes are still being worked on, I have 2 whole side routes and 1 small part of a route remaining.
Chapter 4's summary has been started.
The first drafts of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 are progressing. I'm kind of editing as I go on these, so "first draft" might not be the most accurate term for them right now.
Still shitty at art. Gotta practice.
Fun fact: I experienced ego death a few days ago. I finally got to feel just how meaningless it all truly is! God's still commanding me to finish BFD, though